Frequently Asked Questions

Whom should I contact about your traded shares in the stockmarket?
You can contact our Investor Relations department () about MLP Care shares.
How do I buy shares of MLP Care?
Our publicly traded shares can be bought through a brokerage company.
On which stock exchange is MLP Care traded and what is its stock symbol?
MLP Care shares are traded in Borsa Istanbul (BIST). Stock symbol is MPARK.​
Since when has MLP Care been listed on the stock exchange?
MLP Care shares started trading at BIST on Feb 13, 2018.​
When is MLP Care's fiscal year?
Fiscal year of MLP Care is the 12-month calendar year (January to December).
How often does MLP Care report earnings? When does it release its financial results?
MLP Care releases its financials every three months in compliance with Turkish Capital Market Board rules. Please visit Events Calendar for more information.
How can I find historical financial information on MLP Care?
For detailed information, please see our website "summary financial information"
How is the shareholding structure of MLP Care?
MLP Care's Shareholder structure is available here.
How many outstanding shares does MLP Care have?
Not subject to the authorized capital system, MLP Care has a share capital of TL 208,037,202 which is fully paid-in. This capital is divided into 208,037,202,000 shares each having a nominal value of Kr 1 (TL 0.01).