Whom should I contact about your traded shares in the stockmarket? |
You can contact our Investor Relations department (moc.eracplm@rotsevni) about MLP Care shares. |
How do I buy shares of MLP Care? |
Our publicly traded shares can be bought through a brokerage company. |
On which stock exchange is MLP Care traded and what is its stock symbol? |
MLP Care shares are traded in Borsa Istanbul (BIST). Stock symbol is MPARK. |
Since when has MLP Care been listed on the stock exchange? |
MLP Care shares started trading at BIST on Feb 13, 2018. |
When is MLP Care's fiscal year? |
Fiscal year of MLP Care is the 12-month calendar year (January to December). |
How often does MLP Care report earnings? When does it release its financial results? |
MLP Care releases its financials every three months in compliance with Turkish Capital Market Board rules. Please visit Events Calendar for more information. |
How can I find historical financial information on MLP Care? |
For detailed information, please see our website "summary financial information" |
How is the shareholding structure of MLP Care? |
MLP Care's Shareholder structure is available here. |
How many outstanding shares does MLP Care have? |
Not subject to the authorized capital system, MLP Care has a share capital of TL 208,037,202 which is fully paid-in. This capital is divided into 208,037,202,000 shares each having a nominal value of Kr 1 (TL 0.01). |